Saturday, September 06, 2008

In Memory...


3/17/1998 - 8/27/2008

On Wednesday, August 27th, our beloved cat, Max died. Wayne and I got Max as a six week old kitten just a couple of months after we got married. Max was a sweet cat who brought us much love and laughter in his 10 years. He was an important member of our family and we miss him terribly.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Birthday, Spencer!

It took us a while to post this because we actually lost the camera! We have been doing home improvements including updating our kitchen floor and somehow the camera ended up in a bucket with nails and such. At least we finally found it.

Spencer had a great third birthday, which essentially lasted for days because his birthday was on a Wednesday. He had a small birthday party at school and then dinner and a birthday sundae at Red Robin. We let him open presents from different people each day until Saturday when he had a birthday party at home with Mom, Dad, Aunt Vickie, Grandma, and Aunt Sarah. You can see more photos of his birthday celebration on the Picasa web album.